已故丹麥斗師Bjørn Thurmann作品 Fox

已故丹麥斗師Bjørn Thurmann作品 Fox

看到這把煙斗是無意間瀏覽某歐洲網站時,本意是要買Dunhill 的二手斗,沒想到看到這把有點黑白郎君的一半光面一半噴沙的菸斗。

Bjørn Thurmann — Fox


Bjørn Thurmann was born in 1946 and started working in his parents tobacco and pipe shop. Later on he went to London to sell tobacco in Dunhill’s famous shop on Duke Street and for Ries & Co. in Chicago. In 1976 Bjorn established himself as an independent pipemaker and has written a handbook for pipemakers and has been a great inspiration to many.

This artistic pipe is fun, beautiful and creative. Smooth on one side and “fur like” carvings on the other side. Maybe thats why its stamped “FOX”. It has nice graining and a beautiful warm redbrown color.

一般來說,怪七怪八的菸斗我大多提不起興趣,但是這把斗倒是讓我一見鐘情,所幸價格低廉於是捨棄本來要在網站買兩把Dunhill 改為一把登喜路一把這個。 大約一個多禮拜我收到此斗,簡單清潔一下破不及待的就開抽起來,抽吸很順暢但是前手的味道還是有點影響,於是使用咖啡粉+酒精浸泡大約一天,然後放在空氣清新機上吹個一小時後,又開抽了! 這次不像上次使用口味簡單的V草,改用 GLP 靜夜,點火後感覺味道很棒! 哈哈~ 又多了一把可以好好珍惜、大師製作的手工斗了~

斗的數據: 139mm 斗徑:21mm 斗深:32mm W: 38g


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